I saw these nails online. I'm not really sure where I found them. If you know where, let me know. So anyways, I still don't like the shape of my nails but they are growing pretty fast so it wont be too long till I can square them out again. So I started with my base coat. Then I did a line of Avon Sunshine, then a line of OPI, Ya'll come back ya hear, ORLY Passion fruit, and ORLY Blue collar. After those dried, I put on a layer of Avon Black Mosaic.
I really prefer this Mosaic to the OPI Shatter. I have noticed the Shatter has a goopyness over time and it ruins the brush.
I really like this design, It's bright and fun and it really reminds me of Lisa Frank
I was in class when I took these so the lighting is kind of weird. But I hope you can still see how fun this is.
This is in the car so see how the colors come out in natural light? B-E-A-utiful :)
I hope you all enjoy this. I do. I might actually keep this for a while until my nails grow out some more.
Great mani! I tagged you in 2 awards! Here's the link http://ibleedpolish.blogspot.com/2012/02/awards.html :)