Awards :) I love these. I got this from I Bleed Polish
Here are the rules:
1. Link back to the person you got it from
2. Tell seven things about yourself
3. Give the award to ten bloggers
1. My dog is one of my favorite things about the day
2. I was voted biggest gossip and most sarcastic in high school
3. I never laugh as hard as I do when I'm with my sister
4. If I had unlimited cotton balls and remover, I would change my nails every day
5. I have my own stethoscope and blood pressure cuff to take vitals with
6. I can't cook
7. My guilty pleasure is watching Jersey Shore
The 10 bloggers I pass this award on to are:
Chloe's NailsThe PolishAholic
GaGa for Nails
The Polished Perfectionist
The Nailasaurus
365 Days of Nails!
Chalkboard Nails
Nail Polish Wars
Alice in Lacquerland
The next award is the Butterfly Award.
The rules are:
1. Link back to the person who awarded the award to you
2. Answering the following questions
3. Award to other bloggers and let them know
Thanks again to I Bleed Polish
The questions:
1. What's your favorite song?
I really dont have a favorite. But I love love love Adele's 21 CD. Been playing it nonstop since like August.
2. What's your favorite dessert?
Anything chocolate
3. Who's your favorite pet?
My puppy Blade
4. Black or White?
5. What's your biggest fear?
6. What's your best feature?
7. What's your everyday attitude?
Just make it past 5
8. What is perfection?
Being with the ones that I love
9. What is your guilty pleasure?
Jersey Shore (as stated above)
This award goes to everyone above that I posted. Thanks again!
YAY! Thank youuu!